Thursday, January 17, 2013

Reduction of suicide in 2012 in Japan

Today, there is news to be grateful, or at least less miserable.

The number of people who committed suicide in 2012 was 27,766, National Police Agency in Japan says.
The number fell 2800 than in 2012.

Japan is a suicide rich country, as I said past.

My past entry: Suicide in Japan

The government made effort continuously to reduce the number of suicides. In 2006, Basic Act on Suicide Prevention was enforced in Japan. And several NPOs are struggling for suicide prevention. Some scholars will say that a reduction of the number of suicide results from their effort. However, it is doubtful, I think.

Mr. Shinichiro Tomitaka, a psychiatrist says that suicide rate in Japan is influenced by dynamic trend of the population, in his book. According to him, because the number of aged people was increasing, the number of suicide was also increasing in 2000s. And he anticipates that number of suicides in Japan will decrease in 10 years, due to decrease of total population.

Did his prophesy hit? Is so, many efforts to avoid suicide were in vain? I hardly have a correct answer. Anyway, discussion based on scientific view is needed.

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