Sunday, October 11, 2015

Look back to these days after returning home

More than six weeks has passed since I returned to Japan. I still remember the beautiful days stayed in London, but I have to look at the reality. To be honest, my status is not so well. I am sleepy in the daytime, and always have trouble in speaking Japanese.

Before riding the airplane, I clarified some issues to do in Japan. Now, I look back to them, to calculate the achievement rate.

My past entry: Seven things I want to do after returning to Japan

1. Eat tonkotsu ramen

As I reported previously, I have ate tonkotsu ramen. It had the same taste as I missed.

My past entry: Sequels in August 2015

Usually, I have ramen once or twice a month. Tonkotsu ramen is delicious, but it contains a lot of fats. So, I am careful not to have it so much frequently.

Instead, I sometimes cook Chinese noodle at home, as well as in London. There are many kinds of instant noodle available in Japan. I throw a lot of vegetables into the saucepan in which ramen is boiled. Vegetable ramen is also tasty.

2. Relearn medical science

I bought the Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics on Kindle. It is a great textbook. I often refer to it when encountering patients with a medical complication. I want to read it through, but it will be very tough.

My past entry: The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, a standard for clinical medicine

3. Start regular exercise

Unfortunately, I never take exercise. In London, I visited a psychiatric hospital twice a week. It took 30 minutes walk. On the contrary, I have to walk for only 15 minutes to the workplace. I am wondering how can I get the reason to work my body.

4. Learn Chinese language

I got a couple of textbooks on Kindle, one of which I have completed. The grammar of Chinese Language seems not complicated. But Chinese character is very difficult to learn even for me as a Japanese. Pronunciation is essential to master Chinese. I am seeking some excellent textbook with audio material.
By the way, I watched “The Red Cliff” again. It is not bad as a movie describing the Romance of Three Kingdoms era.

5. Grow some herbs

I tried some home-made Yuzu-pepper when cooking. But I have not been prepared for growing plants.

6. Play Archipelago with peers

I brought Archipelago to a gaming meeting in Tokyo the other day. I enjoyed a four-players game. However, the game was not completed because of the limited time. The game rule is too complex to explain in a short period. Next month, I will try again.

7. Teach what I have learned to my colleagues

This is the matter. I wonder how colleagues are curious about my work. Furthermore, I have to rearrange the content I have learned. I have already made a class. In the next opportunity, I will talk about some issues with more personalized ways.

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