Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Stabbing case occurred in Chiba

In Chiba prefecture, near to Tokyo in Japan, an assault case occurred all at sudden.

The suspect, who was proven to be an ex-member of Chiba city assembly, intruded into a restaurant with a knife. He stubbed a family composed of father, mother, and a girl. Unfortunately, the girl was killed by him. Her parents got injured but not fatal.

South East Morning Post: Japanese ex-politician stabs family of four in restaurant near Tokyo, killing little girl

According to the media, the suspect is an uncle of the victimized girl. Some Japanese media reported his criminal history in which he has stricken his father in the past but not being prosecuted. The suspect seems to have admitted that he had done it.

Mr. Yoshihito Kumagai, the Mayor of Chiba city, tweeted for expressing regret to this tragedy. Due to the uniqueness of the suspect, Japanese media are willing to report the case in detail. But I have no words about this case at present because the information is limited. Pray for the victim.

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