Saturday, May 19, 2018

The egg is healthy, the final answer

One of the victims mostly disgraced in the last century may be the egg. We had been told not to eat too many eggs for protecting our health. It was for an egg contains rich cholesterol.

However, recent studies suggest the safety of eating many eggs. A couple of years ago, authorities amended the statement about the risk of eggs. It was the most surprising change in the modern nutrition.

And also, there is an interventional study about the effect of eggs. In this study, participants with diabetes or the risk of it were encouraged to eat many eggs or fewer eggs according to the group assigned. As a result, members of both groups accomplished the reduced body weight with maintaining the metabolic status. No significance was observed between groups.

Hindustan Times: Eggs are good for you. Yes, even the yolk, says this study

This result itself is not surprising. But, it is splendid that an interventional study for a year was conducted to prove a hypothesis.

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